Easter is NOT about a Bunny Invasion

Our local shopping mall, East Village, has recently experienced a bunny invasion. Seriously, bunnies hang from baskets from the ceiling. Bunnies sit on the stage. Bunnies line the aisles in Coles supermarket. Bunnies can even be found 'driving' a car!

Yes, as you can deduce, it IS Easter time. But much as you would like to think, bunnies have close to nothing to do with Easter at all. In fact, even Easter eggs isn't part of the Christian Easter story.

The Christian Easter story is all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the Christian God, became man in order to save his people. Human kind need saving because of sin. Sin is the rejection of God as Lord over your life. The punishment of sin is eternal death. God saved his people by dying the perfect death for them. God, being perfect, died on Good Friday, a death He did not deserve. On Easter, Jesus overcame death by resurrecting from the dead. Resurrection meaning, rising from the dead and never to die again.

Christians celebrate Easter because when they put their trust in Jesus, when they die, they will be raised again and never to die again. Wait, what? If Christians were to all rise from the dead, there should be a whole bunch of dead Christians walking now. Christians believe that there's a heaven and a hell. Heaven being where God is, where life is; and hell being where God isn't, where death and no things good is. When man die, they face God, the judge over their lives. If one has put their trust in Jesus' death as payment for their sins, God will allow one entry to heaven. If one hasn't put their trust in Jesus' death as payment for their sins, God will judge them guilty of sin, and send one to hell - eternal death as a punishment.

So if this Christian belief is true, and if you die tonight, where would you be heading to? There is a lot more to gain than to lose in their belief. So put aside the bunnies (or the massive seafood intake), and put your faith into Jesus as your Saviour and Lord.

Find out more about Jesus this Easter by visiting your local church or speaking to a Christian friend!

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