Does not accepting Christianity make one a Christianophobe? (The problem with the term Homophobe)

If the LGBT community uses the term 'Homophobe' to label anyone who doesn't accept their lifestyle, is it okay for Christians to use the term 'Christianophobe' to label anyone who doesn't accept their beliefs and lifestyle?

Unequal Equality
If perfect equality applies, then the answer is "Yes". But, in our fallen world, there is no such thing as perfect equality. If Christians start calling people who don’t accept their beliefs and lifestyle ‘Christianophobes’,  there would be a huge out cry of “freedom of religion” and the “wrongful imposing of one’s religion”.

The big confusion of the time is between loving a person and accepting of their behaviour. Likewise, the confusion between hate and non-acceptance of behaviour. Love does not mean acceptance of behaviour. Likewise, non-acceptance of behaviour does not mean hate.

A great example was one described by a friend's friend on Facebook.
I had an interesting conversation with my daughter. She said to me (the topic of same sex marriage was being debated at school) "What would you do if I was gay?"
 I said "Love you."
That didn't make sense to her, because she couldn't understand how I could love her and disagree strongly with her.
I pointed out ways in which we disagreed (particularly with regards to her behaviour and her bedroom) recently, and said "I still love you, even though I disagree with what you do. It would be the same if you were gay."
She thought about that for a long time."
Crying Wolf
Many Christians and even non-Christians have reached out to the LGBT community, clearly stating that they love them as a person, but not accept their behaviour. But some very vocal members of the LGBT is probably doing the community the big disfavour by crying wolf by calling these same people who have expressed their love for them as “homophobes”. There are always black sheep in the community. However, the rotten egg can indeed spoil the basket.

As the Christian community learns to communicate and extend love to the LGBT community, likewise, the LGBT community should start considering not crying wolf by labelling them as ‘homophobes’.

Freedom and Respect
The western world today is nearly infatuated by Freedom. The LGBT community argues for the freedom of their behaviours. Likewise, Christians feel threatened by lawsuits when they try to practice their religion to the fullest by not marrying same-sex couples, or businesses participating in same-sex marriage.

One big thing which I’ve learn from nearly perfect indoctrination through schooling in Singapore is Respect. With Respect for each other and their beliefs and ideology, bullying and harassment is eliminated. If same-sex couples want their way, they need to respect the religious beliefs of Christians by allowing them to practice their religion to the full.  If Christians want to practice their religion, they should respect same-sex couples as humans and allow them a fair-go in life, but to the limit of not supporting them to engage in sin.

If a Christian minister believes it is a sin to marry a same-sex couple, why harass him to, and especially to the point of suing him? If a Christian baker believe it is wrong to support same sex marriage by baking their wedding cake, why make him to?

Likewise, Christians should respect people from the LGBT community as a human being. They should never bully or harass the LGBT community by calling them names or discriminate them from church gatherings, work, school, or healthcare.

Unequal beliefs
Christians believe homosexual behaviours is a sin. The LGBT community believes that homosexual behaviours are innately part of their biology. Christians on the other hand believe that because of man’s first sin, and debasement of our minds, we are born sinful.

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonourable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Romans 1:26-27 ESV

Some of us are might be born with a tendency to same-sex attraction. However, all of us have an inability to not sin. There is no one person who is perfect. Hence, be it if you are in the LGBT community, or not, you need God to save you from your sin.
 “as it is written:  “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands;  no one seeks for God.” Romans 3:10-11 ESV
The LGBT community strives to use the argument of biology allows for sin to be normalised. What would you say about people who biologically have an attraction towards sex with children, or people who have psychopathic tendencies, or how about those who have violent tendencies associated with their personality? Is it then okay to be a paedophile or a murderer since it's all biological?

The miracle
The miracle of Christianity is Forgiveness. Christians deeply believe they are themselves sinners, and God is mad at them. The price of sin is eternal death. However, in God’s great mercy, he paid the paid the price of sin through Jesus’ death on the cross for man. Jesus was the perfect man, and God at the same time. It is through Jesus, sin are forgiven and paid for.

The work of Jesus dying on the cross for sins empowers Christian to forgive. This is because the basis of their faith is all about forgiveness of sins from God.
 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you". Matthew 6:14 ESV
Hence, for Christians, we should forgive our friends who label us as “homophobes” and never label those who don’t accept our faith and lifestyle as “Christianophones”

Likewise, the LGBT community should really consider retracting the term "homophobe" for people who clearly love them as a person, but not accept their behaviour.

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