How to cook Perfect Pasta

Sick of overcooked pasta? Here are a few easy steps to cook the perfect pasta.

Step 1
Select a pot  at least 4 times the size of the amount of dry pasta you are going to put in. Remember, pasta expands in volume as you cook it to about 2 times the size of it dry.

Step 2
Fill the pot to 2/3 full with water and add a teaspoon of salt. Salt increases the boiling point of water.

Step 3
When the water is boiling, add the pasta in.

Step 4
Cook the pasta as per the instructions on the packaging. Different pasta will take different time to cook till al-dente (which is Italian for 'to the tooth'). What that really means is that the pasta will be firm in the centre. It is very important to keep stirring to prevent the pasta from sticking. DON'T ADD oil as this will prevent the sauce from sticking to the pasta.

Step 5
Once cooked, strain off the water in a colander.

Step 6a - Cold pasta salad
If you are going to use the pasta in a cold salad, run the pasta through cold water. Then, try removing as much water as possible by flicking the colander a few times. Serve your pasta with your desired dressing.
Step 6b - Hot pasta
Then, try removing as much water as possible by flicking the colander a few times. Serve your pasta with your desired sauce!

There you have it! Perfect Pasta!


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