Daydreaming on Election Day

I love day dreaming. It brings me to the land of hypotheticals and fantasy. In the land of day dreams, nothing is impossible.

(Source: Leadership Speak Freak)
Here is me day dreaming about elections in Singapore. Mind you, I'm not accusing anyone or forcing on an idea, or even bad mouthing anyone. I don’t support any political party or promote one over another. It’s all a just me in a day dream…

1.      What if… the voting age was 18 instead of 21? After all, we expect our 18 year olds to be willing to be mandatorily conscripted and even face death if there was an armed conflict.

2.      What if… 20 years ago, PAP’s LKY faced a one-on-one battle with then SDP’s Chiam See Tong at Potong Pasir?

3.      What if… there was no defamation laws in Singapore?

4.      What if… Dr Chee Soon Juan became a MP in the 1992 elections?

5.      What if… we really understood how Town Councils and HDB are related, funded and managed?

6.      What if… there was only Single Member Constituencies (SMC) and no Group Representation Constituencies (GRC)?

7.      What if… 2nd generation Permanent Residents (PRs) were allowed to vote? After all 2nd generation PRs are required to be mandatorily conscripted.

8.      What if… we really understood how our CPF money is invested?

9.      What if… Singaporeans decided that wealth wasn't as important as spending time with family?

10.   What if… there weren't any foreign workers in Singapore?

11.   What if… poverty is less hidden in Singapore?

12.   What if..  Dr Vivian Balakrishnan was found guilty of the Twitter post on Cooling-off Day, even when it was the system auto-posting?

13.   What if… single mothers received baby bonuses?

14.   What if… there was no political censorship in our media?

15.   What if… there was a minimum $20 minimum wage for all working adults regardless of nationality?

16.   What if… the highest paying job in Singapore was a farmer?

17.   What if… Singapore was never separated from Malaysia?

18.   What if… Singapore took in refugees from war-torn nations?

19.   What if… there was a carbon tax?

20.   What if… there the tax rate in Singapore was 50% to fund social programs?

21.   What if… MPs pay was no higher than a General Manager of a MNC?

22.      What if… gay marriage was legalised?

What if… It’s all a day dream after all…

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