DIY Dairy Free Banana Ice Cream - What to do when your Banana looks black

Most banana is eaten fresh, just ripe or just under ripe. But what happens when you just have that 1-2 bananas which are just over ripe? I know most of my friends in Asia would tell me to just throw it out as local bananas are really cheap. But most of us in Australia do buy Banana at around $2 - $3.50 per kilo. One large banana would set us back around $1. Some of us will remember when the Cyclone hit our banana hub in Queensland and Bananas were around $15 per kilogram!

There are a few fabulous ideas for over ripe bananas. You can make banana bread or banana cake. Or the simplest, Banana Ice Cream!

Here are a few very very quick steps to make Banana Ice Cream.

Over ripe Bananas (only!)

Step 1:
Put the banana into the freezer for around 2 hours or till when it is just frozen.

Step 2:
Peel the banana and cut into slices.

Step 3:
Put it into a blender (or food processor). Pulse the blender till all the banana is mashed up, then blend for another 30 seconds.

Step 4:
Serve Banana Ice Cream on it's own or with your favourite chocolate cake!


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