Hark the Herald Angels Sing! (Christmas Story through the carols)

"Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King!"

Indeed, Christmas is about the new born Jesus, the King! Throughout the Christmas festivities, we hear, we sing and we enjoy the very many Christmas carols. But have you stopped and listened to the lyrics and pondered what it all meant?

"O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant. Oh come, ye O come ye to Bethlehem."

Bethlehem? That's a city in in today's Palestine, in the middle east. Approximately 2000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God was born there.

"Come and behold him, born the King of Angels."

Yes, Jesus is higher than the Angels.

"O come let us adore him Christ the Lord."

In fact Jesus is Christ, and Jesus is Lord. But what exactly does that mean? Christ means the anointed one. In bible times, anointment is a symbol of being given a special task like being a King or a priest. The word Lord often loses it's meaning in today's context - we think of Lord and Ladies as an elevated status or we associate the word with fictional characters like Lord Voldemort. But maybe even fictional characters like Lord Voldemort can help explain lordship. Unlike Voldemort, Jesus is a good Lord. But like Voldemort, Jesus calls for constant and loyal devotion. But why?

"To save us all from Satan's power, when we have gone astray" (God rest ye merry Gentleman)

Jesus came to save us from Satan's (the devil) power, and because of the devil, we have gone astray. What do you mean by going astray? Most would say "I'm a good person" or "Look, I'm successful in life. I've a job, home, car and kids.". But what we are referring here is to going astray from God. God is our Creator. He is the rightful ruler and Lord of you and your life. But we have gone astray by rejecting God. Rejecting His rule over our lives. Rejecting God makes one a sinner. There's no amount of good one can do that will override their rejection of God. So how did Jesus save us then?

"But in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive him still. The dear Christ enters in." (It came upon the midnight clear)

Jesus came into the world as a human being, as a baby born from the Virgin Mary. That in itself is a miraculous birth. It was God who put Jesus into Mary. When Jesus grew up, his eventually was taken by the Jewish leaders and condemned to death being accused of self-proclaiming that He is God. He is God, so he is in no wrong. Jesus the perfect man, died a wrongful death. But Jesus the perfect sacrifice means that he can take away the sin of another man.
"Light and life to all He brings. Risen healing with his wings. Mild He lays his glory by, born that man no more may die. Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth." (Hark the Herald Angels Sing)
If one put's their trust in Jesus Christ, one no longer have to face eternal death in hell. Instead, they receive a new life.

"Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcile." (O Come, all ye faithful)

Trusting in Jesus death to remove sin, means that God is no longer angry with one's sin of rejecting God. God and sinners are reconciled though Jesus' death. We owe lives to Jesus. And now Jesus our saviour is our Lord and King!

"Gloria, in Excelsis Deo" (Hark the Herald Angel Sing)

It simply means "Glory to God in the highest". Yes, Christmas is a time to give God all glory. Glory meaning giving one high renown for what they have done. God has saved us from sin and hell, and all glory should go to him.

"Joy to the World, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room. Let heaven and nature sing, let heaven and nature sing, let heaven and nature sing!" 

Christmas is a very joyous occasion especially to the believer in Jesus. And hence, we hear all the Christmas carols of joy because Jesus has come. If you have yet to put your trust in Jesus' death, let your heart prepare Him room this Christmas time, let heaven and nature sing!

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