Why Celebrate Christmas when you don't even believe in Christ?

Christmas is essentially the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God to Christians. His mission was to come to earth as a man and die on the cross. This death was to take the place of one's eternal death and bring one back into a good relationship with God, as long as one accepts Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.

To put it in a nasty way, if one doesn't accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord, they would face eternal death in hell. Hell's a place where there is nothing good, not even relationships with your friends and family. Hence, Christmas to someone who doesn't believe in Christ should be serious reality check.

Christians rejoice every Christmas because they can now have a good relationship with God, instead of being worried about his fury with their sin. There's no amount of good one can do to balance up sin. Hence, there's alot to rejoice and exhalt God especially on Christmas day.

If Christmas takes its roots in the celebration of the birth of Jesus, non-Christians celebrating Christmas are either totally deceived into believing that Christmas is something else - like celebrating family, a time for giving or just a jolly time to party, or simply trying to escape from reality. In fact, the rejection of Jesus as God is the direct route to eternal damnation. So celebrating Christmas without believing in Jesus, is celebrating your way to hell.

I challenge you this Christmas, to learn about the Christmas story of Jesus' birth and how he can take you away from the route to hell and direct you to the way to heaven. Just ask any Christian friend or visit your local church this Christmas.

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