Christianity and the Pink Dot SG Event

The Pink Dot SG is an annual event in support of the LGBT community in Singapore. The event features attendees all wearing pink forming a large pink circle. It also showcases a concert and speeches. This event started in 2009 and has since expanded. In 2015, there were some 28000 attendees who came to form the pink dot.
(Picture source: Facebook)

In Singapore, it is illegal for men to engage in intercourse with another man. Homosexual marriages are not legal as well.

Many Christian groups have been under fire for their seemingly homophobic stance. 

However, it is innately in the Christian belief to love one another. Even the sinner. It is not true that Christians hate gay people, rather they see the act of lusting or engaging same-sex sex is considered 'sin'. It is much the same as lust or sex outside marriage between a man and woman, which is also considered as 'sin'. In fact the Christian term 'sin' is the rejection of the Christian God and His law. 

In Christianity, God made man and woman for man. In simple terms, God made Adam and Eve for Adam. God did not make Adam and Steve. In fact, God's command to Adam and Eve is to be fruitful and multiply - which is an impossibility in a same sex relationship. To a Christian, marriages were designed from creation to be between a man and woman. This is considered God's design for what He wanted the world to be.

As Christians, we are called to stand for what is true and not uphold sin. Christians are called to hate sin and not the sinner. Supporting gay marriages isn't godly, just as supporting sex outside marriage isn't godly. But loving your LGBT friend is. 

As a Christian, bullying and harassing someone who is LGBT is sinful and unloving. In fact the most loving thing to do is to tell your friend who is LGBT that there is a God out there who loves them and desires for them to be in relationship with Him through Jesus.
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